
2011年9月10日 星期六

SQL2008手記 --- 專有名詞整理


l   AWEAddress Windowing Extensions
l   BIDSBusiness Intelligence Development Studio
l   BOLBooks Online
l   CLRCommon Language Runtime
l   ISVIndependent Software Vendor
l   IFIInstant File Initialization
l   LURLeast Recently Used
l   MAXDOPMaximum Degree of Parallelism
l   MMCMicrosoft Management Console
l   MTFMicrosoft Tape Format
l   NUMANon-Uniform Memory Access
l   OLAPOnline Transaction Processing
l   OLTPOnline Analytical Processing 
l   ODBCOpen Database Connectivity
l   RTORecovery Time Objective 
l   RPORecovery Point Objective
l   SANStorage Area Network
l   SMOSQL Server Management Objects
l   SSDSolid State Drive
l   SNACSQL Native Access Client
l   SSMSSQL Server Management Studio
l   SSCMSQL Server Configuration Manager
l   SCCSystem Configuration Checker
l   SLAsService level agreements
l   TCOTotal cost of ownership
l   TDSTabular Data Stream
l   TDETransparent Database Encryption
l   VIAVirtual Interface Adapter
l   VASVirtual Address Space
l   VLFsVirtual Log Files
l   VSSShadow Copy Service
l   VDIVirtual Device Interface
l   WMIWindows Management Instrumentation
l   XML/AXML for Analysis

